Friday, September 27, 2013

Diana Kan’s The How and Why of Chinese Painting

Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1975

(click images to enlarge)

The New York Times
June 20, 2010

(Next post October 4: Dong Kingman in Holiday Magazine)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Yee Kee, Crayon Artist

Bellingham Herald
November 4, 1909

Chinese Artist Slain by Tong.
Oakland, Cal., Nov. 4.—Yee Kee, a Chinese crayon artist, was shot to death
last night in his room here. The assassin escaped. The police believe some
member of the On Yick tong is responsible for Yee Kee’s death as a member
of the Yee family was also killed in San Francisco last night. The feud between
the Yee family and the tong had its origin over the elopement of Wo Que, a
slave girl belonging to the Yee family.

(Next post September 27: Diana Kan’s The How And Why of Chinese Painting)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

About the Architect: Poy Gum Lee (Li Jinpei)

1910 United States Federal Census
Name: Poy Lee
Age in 1910: 12
Birth Year: abt 1898
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1910: Manhattan Ward 6, New York, New York [32 Mott Street]
Race: Chinese
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Yet Gip Lee
Father's Birthplace: China
Mother's Name: See Min
Mother's Birthplace: California
Household Members:
Name / Age
Yet Gip Lee 47
See Min 31
Kom Loo 13
Poy Lee 12
Foou Lee 6
Hung Pock Lee 4
Soo Hock Lee 2

World War I Draft Registration Card
Name: Poy Gum Lee
City: Manhattan [32 Mott Street]
County: New York
State: New York
Birth Date: 17 Jan 1900 [Other sources have the day as 14.]
Race: Oriental (Asian)
Draft Board: 94
Age: 18
Occupation: Student, Pratt Institute
Nearest Relative: Lee Yick Dep
Height/Build: Short/Slender
Color of Eyes/Hair: Borwn/Black
Signature: September 9, 1918

American Consular Service
Cerrtificate of Marriage
Name: Poy G Lee
Age: 26
Birth Year: abt 1900
Birth Place: New York City, New York
Spouse’s Name: Pansy Choye
Spouse’s Age: 21
Spouse’s Birth Year: abt 1905
Spouse’s Birth Place: Shanghai, China
Marriage Date: 18 Sep 1926
Marriage Place: Cantonese Baptist Church, Shanghai, China
Official: Rev. Yeushong Lau
Consular Location: Shanghai, China


Men of Shanghai and North China
George Nellist, Editor
The Oriental Press, 1933
pages 209, 211 and 212

The American Institute of Architects

American Architects Directory
First Edition
R.R. Bowker, 1956
page 324

American Architects Directory
Second Edition
R.R. Bowker, 1962
page 411
(Updated August 28, 2015; next post September 20: Yee Kee, Crayon Artist)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Poy Gum Lee (Li Jinpei), 1945, 1946

Passenger List

(click image to enlarge)

Name: Poy Gum Lee
Departure Date: 13 Oct 1945
Arrival Date: 5 Nov 1945
Age: 45
Birth Date: abt 1900
Birthplace: New York, New York, United States
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Chinese
Ship Name: La Vaca
Port of Arrival: San Francisco
Port of Departure: Shanghai, China
Last Residence: China
Friend's Name: Boe D Lee

November 8, 1945
page 7 column 2: Among Arriving Repatriates
Lee, Poy G., and family

Buffalo Courier-Express
(New York)
February 24, 1946
“Chinese Student Returns with Family”

The page was folded and covered part of the caption under the top photograph. Here is the text as it may been appeared:
In returning to his alma mater, where, in a year, he can qualify for a B.A. degree, Mr. Poy G. Lee resumed architectural studies that were interrupted 25 years ago. At that time, after three years of study at Pratt Institute, New York, he left school to work in Shanghai, China, as an architect designing the Bank of Canton. Later he finished the mausoleum for Dr. Sun Yat Sen in Nanking. In Shanghai, Mr. Lee, who is New York born, married a Chinese citizen, and raised a daughter, Arlene. Now he returns to study at Pratt, he is accompanied by his wife and daughter, who is 17. Photo above shows Mr. Lee at his studies.
(Updated July 23, 2021; tomorrow: About the Architect: Poy Gum Lee)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Poy Gum Lee (Li Jinpei) in Who’s Who in China

Who’s Who in China
Biographies of Chinese Leaders
Fifth Edition
The China Weekly Review, 1936
page 137, column 2

Poy G. Lee, R.A., (Li Ching-pei)

Poy G. Lee, R.A., architect; born at New York City, U.S.A., Jan. 14, 1900, of Cantonese parentage; attended Dewitt Clinton High School 1913–17, Pratt Institute 1917–20, Massachusetts Institute of Technology summer 1921, Columbia University 1922–23, completing Beaux Arts Institute work 1919–23; passed the University of the State of New York licence [sic] for registered architect 1923; employed in the offices of Murphy Mcgill & Hamlin Archts., J.F. Jackson Archt., and Ludlow & Peabody Archts., working on the Yenching University, New Jersey & Passaic Y.M.C.A. Buildings, John’s Manville 28 story building, New York and Times Annex Buildings of 20 stories, respectively; came to China for the Y.M.C.A. Building Bureau for China, Nov. 1923 in association with A.Q. Adamson, director; completed the following Y.M.C.A.’s in China; Shanghai foreign, Shanghai Navy, Changsha, Paoting, Tsinan, Nanking, Ningpo, Shanghai National Committee Building, Nanchang, Chengtu, Foochow, Amoy, during the period of 1923 to 1927; started his own practice in April, 1927; became associate architect to Y.C. Lu during the period of his illness, 1928; upon Lu’s death in March, 1929, was entrusted by the respective Committees to finish up the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, Nanking, and the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Canton, 1929–1930; chartered member of the Society of Chinese Architects, secretary and treasurer 1927–29, president 1930; handled the following work 1927–30: The Nantao Christian Institute, The Mary Farnham Girls School, the Frenchtown Shanghai Chinese Y.M.C.A. 11 story Building, the National Y.M.C.A. Headquarters 8 story Building, Shanghai; Huchow Isolation Hospital, Cantonese Guild Girls School, Shanghai; Hangchow Power Plant; Central University—College of Commerce, Kiangwan; Wuhan University, Wuchang; Cantonese Baptist Church, Shanghai; Capital Theatre, Nanking; and the Shanghai Quarantine Station; New Capital Theatre, Nanking; Lingnan School, Shanghai; Quarantine Station, Amoy. Changchow General Hospital, Changchow; elected President, Society of Chinese Architects, 1936; address: 349 Kiangse Road.

(click images to enlarge)

The 1936 book is available at the Internet Archive.

American University Men in China
American University Club of Shanghai
Comacrib Press, 1936

(Updated September 16, 2014; tomorrow: Poy Gum Lee, 1944, 1946)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Poy Gum Lee (Li Jinpei), Building in China

Building in China: Henry K. Murphy’s “Adaptive Architecture” 1914–1935
Jeffrey W. Cody
The Chinese University Press, 2001

page 4: ...Murphy’s quest for an adaptation of Chinese architecture was not a solitary one. Chinese colleagues, whether acquaintances or strangers, also played key roles in questioning architectural conventions. Several Chinese who formed part of what has been sometimes called the “first generation of Chinese architects” (diyidai) were either trained by Murphy or knew of his work. Those who either worked for or with Murphy include Lu Yanzhi (1894–1929), Li Jinpei [Poy G. Lee] (1900–?)...

page 134: ...Later in Murphy’s China-based practice, other architects from this first generation (diyidai) of Chinese architects such as Dong Dayou, Fan Wenzhao, Li Jinpei [Poy Gum Lee] and Zhao Shen also drafted or designed with the American and, in the process, helped him build an enviable reputation.

page 181–182: ...a year earlier seven Chinese architects educated in the U.S. organized the Society of Chinese Architects, and the organization quickly became the chief professional organization for Chinese architects and planners, complementing the Association of Chinese and American Engineers. Li Jinpei (Poy G. Lee), another Chinese draftsman who had worked for Murphy in his New York office; Fan Wenzhao (Robert Fan), the first president of the Society of Chinese Architects (Zhongguo jianzhu xuehui); and Lin Keming, the eventual architect of Guangzhou’s civic center....

page 200: footnote 32

page 212: ...Henry Murphy, therefore, was not unique in hiring Chinese, but by employing already before 1920 some of the young Chinese immediately after they graduated in his Oriental Department, Murphy made a deliberate effort to seek out the relatively few Chinese who peppered the lists of students in American architectural programs. In addition to Lu Yanzhi, certainly the most famous of his Chinese draftsmen, he also hired Li Jinpei (Poy G. Lee) in 1923. After Li was hired in 1927 by the YMCA Building Bureau to work in China, he completed Lu’s design for the Sun Yat-sen Memorial in Guangzhou and became one of the most successful of the “first generation.” Unfortunately, no record showing exactly how many Chinese Murphy employed in New York has survived....

page 218: ...Many Chinese did not forget him, as is suggested by the measure of Murphy gauged by a consideration of his Chinese contemporaries. In addition to Lu Yanzhi, he was employer of, designer with, or aesthetic ally to some of the most prominent figures in 20th century Chinese architectural history: Zhang Jun, Li Jinpei [Poy Gum Lee], Zhao Shen, Dong Dayou, Fan Wenzhao, Tong Jun, and Yang Tingbao....

page 224: footnote 37

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Poy Gum Lee (Li Jinpei), 1921, 1923 and 1926

The Boston Herald
August 21, 1921
Chinese-Americans Have Annual Banquet
Citizens’ Association of Boston and New England Dines
(click images to enlarge)

About 250 members of the Chinese-American Citizens’ Association of Boston and New England gathered last night for the eighth annual banquet at Grand Garden restaurant on Washington street and at other restaurants in Chinatown. At the former place, invited guests and friends from outside the organization were present for the first time on such an occasion.

The speakers at the main banquet included William P. Callahan, immigrant inspector; Dr. D.L. Martin, W.F. Davis, Jr., Paul Poy G. Lee of New York; Freeman O. Emerson, Atty. Russell Clein Shue, Soon W.B. Seetoo, Harry Cheng, and Frank Tsung Y. Goon, president of the association. William Moy Ding acted as toastmaster.

The formal opening of the new headquarters of the association, at 4 Hudson street, with a membership of more than 300, took place during the afternoon. The rooms were decorated with American and Chinese flags and Chinese embroidery and paintings.

Passport Application

Name: Poy Gum Lee, age 23
Birth: January 14, 1900; 13 Mott Street, New York, NY
Residence: 32 Mott Street, New York, NY
Occupation: Architect and Engineer
Description: 5 feet, 4 inches; brown eyes, black hair
Father Name: Lee Yick Dep, born in China
Residence: 32 Mott Street, New York, NY

Chinese Exclusion Act Case File
National Archives New York City Branch

1926 Marriage Certificate

(Updated September 15, 2014; tomorrow: Poy Gum Lee, Building in China)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Poy Gum Lee (Li Jinpei), Student

1917 Clintonian
DeWitt Clinton High School
Bronx, New York City

(click images to enlarge)
Bottom row, far left
Sketch.....Lee, Eaton

DeWitt Clinton Alumni Association
Notable Alumni

Who’s Who of the Chinese in New York
Warner Montagnie Van Norden
Lee Gum Poy—is a son of Lee Yick Deep, and was born in New York in 1900. Mr. Lee has attended the public and high schools of this city and studied art in the De Witt Clinton High School. At present he is attending Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y. During the taking of the State Military census in the Spring of this year, Mr. Lee offered his services and acted as secretary. He is a member of the Chinese Boy Scouts. Address—32 Mott.

Lee Gum Poy’s father, Lee Yick Deep, is profiled on pages 55 and 56.

The Sun
(New York)
May 4, 1919

...Poy G. Lee, ’19...

Brooklyn Daily Eagle
(New York)
June 26, 1920
“450 Get Diplomas at Pratt Institute”
(see bottom of column)

Brooklyn Standard Union
(New York)
June 26, 1920
“438 Are Graduated by Pratt Institute”
(see column two)

Prattonia 1920
page 81: Poy Gum Lee, “Gumpoy”
32 Mott St., New York City.
Soccer, ’17, ’18, ’19
Basketball, ’18
Hockey Manager, ’18
Glee Club, ’19, ’20

page 108: Glee Club

Directory of Students
Lee, Poy Gum e 32 Mott St

Chinese Exclusion Act Case File
National Archives New York City Branch

(Updated July 22, 2021; tomorrow: Poy Gum Lee (Li Jinpei), 1921, 1923, 1926)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fred Eng, Artist

Behind the Flag

San Francisco Chinatown

Chinese Laborers 1944

Hotel Billet in Morocco

Casablanca 1944

Strawberry Still Life #1

Tennis Player

Papilo glaucus

(Tomorrow: About the Artist: Fred Eng)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fred Eng, Photographer

The 46th Annual of Advertising, Editorial,
Television Art & Design

The 48th Annual of Advertising, Editorial,
Television Art & Design

Fifty Advertisements of the Year
AIGA, 1966

Buy Buy Baby

Cooking of Spain and Portugal
Time-Life Books, 1969
cover: Paella

page 15: Ervilhas Guisadas a Portuguesa

page 124: Besugo al Horno (red snapper baked with potatoes)

page 1964: Canja

page 169: Portuguese green salad

page 171: Lombo de Porco com
Pimnentos Vermelhos Doces

page 181: Bacahau a Gomes de Sa

page 192: Clams na cataplanta

Russian Cooking
Time-Life Books, 1969
p94: seven color photographs show how
to make kulebiaka

page 167: six black-and-white photographs
show how to make khachapuri;
 three black-and-white photographs show
how to make a khachapuri tartlet

page 170: eight of nine color photographs
show how to prepare chicken for talbaka

page 171: ninth photograph of pressed chicken

Recipes: A Quintet of Cuisines
Time-Life Books, 1970
page 68: Kielbasa

January 31, 1969
Great Dinners, Part 58: “Savory Swiss Fondue”

Mixed Bag

 (Tomorrow: Fred Eng, Artist)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Fred Eng, Illustrator

American Artists Group
(Lumberton, North Carolina)
November 24, 1950

The Sheyboygan Press
November 23, 1955

American Heritage
Winter 1952
“The American Christmas Card”
detail of page 52

February 9, 1946
“Hello Darling”

April 12, 1947
“White Man in the White Land”

May 6, 1950
Dutchess County, New York

August 12, 1950
Harness Racing

May 1947
“A Flower for Each Grave”

December 1946
The names of contributors were on the cover.

Illustrations for a 12-part series


January 1947
University of Texas

February 1947

March 1947

April 1947

May 1947

June 1947
University of Wisconsin

July 1947

August 1947

September 1947
University of Washington

October 1947
University of Minnesota

November 1947
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ford Times
August 1961
Recipes: The Beekman Arms

Hartford Insurance
Painting of Hayden’s Keg for advertisement;
published in Life, November 17, 1961

May 1953
“Herbs...the cook’s best friend”

August 1956
“The Johnstown Flood”

Metropolitan Life
Illustration for advertisement; published
in National Geographic, 1961

Reader’s Digest
December 1950
ten years later...

The Rhinebeck Gazette
(New York)
November 24, 1960
“Rhinebeck 10–20–40 Years Ago”

November 22, 1950

May 1957
“The Enchanted Provinces”

Sports Illustrated
June 13, 1955
page 19: map of Le Mans race course
page 47: map of Indianapolis 500
Vukovich accident

June 27, 1955
page 56: map of Amalfi Drive, Italy

October 3, 1955
page 51: map of Kanchenjunga
mountain climbing route

May 21, 1956
page 31: map of storm in the Pacific Ocean
page 75: diagram of camera set-up for fishing

June 18, 1956 
page 30: map of Pennsylvania

July 2, 1956 
page 51: drawing of Bermuda Race Chart
page 67: drawing of Jersey City
Roosevelt baseball stadium

October 22, 1956
page 43: four flyway forecast maps
of ducks and geese

January 20, 1958 
page 40: map of sailing race course
from San Diego to Acapulco

June 2, 1958
page 8: illustration of suitcase with stickers

June 23, 1958
page 68: map of Cataract Canyon, Utah

August 18, 1958 
page 44: map of Andes, South America

November 10, 1958
page 47: map of Hawaiian islands

December 15, 1958
page 4: spot art of wrapped gift boxes

The 31st Annual of Advertising, Editorial,
Television Art & Design
page 168: 166
Artist: Fred Eng
Art Director: Harlow Rockwell
Agency: Young & Rubicam, Inc.

The 35th Annual of Advertising, Editorial,
Television Art & Design
page 243: 156
Art Director: Mordecai Reese Craig
Artist: Fred Eng
Agency: Pharmaceutical Advertising Associates, Inc.
Advertiser: The Purdue Frederick Co.

Time, 1962
page 73: map of Brazil’s major products

Energy and Power
Golden Press, 1962
Illustrated by Weimer Pursell and Fred Eng

The Rhinebeck Gazette
(New York)
May 24, 1954

(Tomorrow: Fred Eng, Photographer)